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对英语的态度100字英语作文 我对英语的态度英语作文100

来源: 最后更新:24-04-20 05:17:24

导读:1、First, learn English when they have to learn the whole sentence, not specifically to study words. Hours are

1、First, learn English when they have to learn the whole sentence, not specifically to study words. Hours are required to sentence grammar, voice and accent the whole time out.

Second, the school can not be enough for literacy. The use of knowledge is bound. In any case in which the new word must be at least learn the words of a correct usage. There are many see the future use of it more in mind.

Third, literacy can not memorize. Who have lent their sentence in French, naturally easier to remember.

Fourth, reading in English to be the eyes and ears and hands to the mouth. Hear, see for oneself, talking, writing, indispensable. Four were prepared, naturally remember the words.








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