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detected是什么意思(leak detected是什么意思)

来源: 最后更新:22-11-16 09:45:02

导读: detected意思是检测到的。detected造句:1、The M4 alleles were not detected.2、Negative control group was not detected experime


1、The M4 alleles were not detected.

2、Negative control group was not detected experimental fungus.

3、Fluorescent cells were not detected in tonsil, liner, larynx, and kidney.

4、The modem was not detected correctly. Click More Information for further details.

5、The expression of TRPC6 was not detected in patients' temporal lobe in this study.

6、Heartbeats not detected for some replication agents. The status of these agents have been changed to 'Failed'.

7、If the plug-in is not detected on your system, you are prompted with the option to install it.

8、A dial tone was not detected. Please check your telephone cable connections, and be sure the line is not in use by someone else.

9、Most people who suffer hip fractures have normal bone density, but their bones have weakened in ways not detected by bone scans.

10、GEO600 has not detected any gravitational waves so far, but it might inadvertently have made the most important discovery in physics for half a century.

标签: detected  



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