来源: 最后更新:22-06-11 01:25:40
POLAND - Leo Colby, AHDB Consultant reports that Poland will continue to consolidate its position as a major exporter of pig meat in 2017, as production growth is being facilitated by both a recovery in the breeding herd and increasing imports of piglets for finishing in Poland In 2017 production is forecast to rise by 4 per cent, to 1.96 million tonnes, and as a result pig meat exports are expected to increase to a new record. The long-term development in production might have been one of stability, but both imports and exports of pig meat have increased by 9 per cent per annum since 2007.
根据英国农业及园伊⒅发展委员会(AHDB)顾问Leo Colby报告,波兰将在2017年潞傍巩固他,作为一个主要猪肉出口国的地位。由于育种猪群数目的增长,和波兰为育肥而进口的仔猪数目不断增添,促进了波兰猪肉产量的增长。2017年猪肉生产总量预计增长4%,达到196万公吨。因此,预计2017年猪肉出口量也将创下新的记录。猪肉生产的长期发展也许会是趋于稳定的一个因素,但是自2007年以来,波兰猪肉的进口量和出口量每年都递增9%。
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