来源: 最后更新:22-06-12 05:52:12
RUSSIA - Currently, pig prices are fluctuating between 110 and 115 Roubles per live kg ($1.77 to $1.85). With pig meat consumption increasing in Russia by 6.6 per cent in 2016, pig farming continues to be very profitable in Russia. Currently, there are approximately 300,000 new sow places with finance approved (and some already under construction) and another 200,000 new sow places in final stages of approval, writes Simon Grey – General Manager, Russia, CIS, and Europe.Genesus attended the recent meeting of Russian Pig Producers. Main points of discussion (other than dealing with African Swine Fever) was development of export markets in China / Asia. With the most recent outbreaks having links to village production, where the majority of people who work on pig farms live, it seems a simple move to make keeping pigs other than on properly registered and controlled farms illegal?
尽职俄罗斯、孤联体和欧洲地区的加裕公司(Genesus)总经理Simon Grey写道,当前,按照活猪体重来看,俄罗斯猪价在每公斤110卢布到每公斤115卢布之间波动(1.77美元-1.85美元)。俄罗斯猪肉消费在2016年增长6.6%,在俄罗斯养猪的利润依然十分可观。已经获得资金审批的新母猪养殖场大约有30万个(有部分已经在建设中),还有20万个在审批阶段的新母猪养殖场。加裕公司参加了最近召开的俄罗斯猪肉生产商会议。除了对非洲猪瘟的处理主意,议论的主要观点是关于中国/亚洲的出口市场发展。最近的疫情绝大多数都与农村养殖有关,那儿的人们主要以养猪为生,但是与其让养猪变的不合法,难道不应该实施正规注册和控制农场这样简单的措施么?
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