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利用ARPEGE项目 Arpeggi

来源: 最后更新:22-06-15 07:50:31


  FRANCE - Mange (Sarcoptes Scabiei var. suis) is an important disease impacting pig herd productivity but, thanks to the ARPEGE eradication programme, pig farms can now be mange free.The ARPEGE programme is based on safety measures and a programme of Ivermectin. All animals on farm must be included in the programme for it to work successfully.A study of the programme showed that after the ARPEGE programme was implemented, scratching in sows and dermatitis in fatteners all decreased.

  兽疥癣即猪疥癣虫(Sarcoptes Scabiei var. suis),它是一种能够影响猪群繁殖的重要疾病。但是,幸亏有ARPEGE的根除准备,养猪户现在可以怨码兽疥癣。ARPEGE准备以安全的措施方案与伊佛霉素项目为基础,为了达到使农场无兽疥癣侵扰的目的,所有的农场动物都必须囊括在项目实施范围之内。项目研究显示,在ARPEGE项目实施之后,母猪的抓痕与饲养者的皮炎都减少了。

标签: 兽疥癣  法国  母猪  养猪行情  



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