来源: 最后更新:22-06-18 05:54:01
FRANCE - According to the latest figures released via French Customs, pork exports from France increased by 5 per cent to 115.4 thousand tonnes in Q1 2016, when compared with the same period a year earlier.This growth was driven by an increase in Chinese shipments, which were up four-fold, to 21.8 thousand tonnes.France, like many other major exporters, has capitalised on the growing Chinese pork demand and increased shipment volumes throughout the first quarter of 2016.Growth in exports to other Asian countries was also recorded, albeit in smaller actual terms, with the exception of South Korea.
根据法国海关(French Customs)公开的最新数字,法国猪肉出口量在2016年首席季度相比去年同期增长了5%,达到11.54万公吨。增长是因为法国对中国的出口量增长了4倍,达到2.18万公吨。法国和其他许多出口国一样利用不断增长的中国猪肉需求,发货量在2016年首席季度不断增添。其他亚洲国家除了韩国尽管实际份额很小,同样也记录了他们的出口量增长。
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