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来源: 最后更新:22-06-19 08:08:06


  CANADA - The Director of Risk Management with h@ms Marketing Services says the increasing value of the Canadian dollar is the biggest factor affecting the profitability of Canadian pork producers right now, writes Bruce Cochrane.North American Hog Markets have held steady over the past couple of months, increasing slightly during the past week or so.Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk management with h@ms Marketing Services, says the value of the dollar has had the biggest impact on Canadian hog producers.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据h@ms营销服务的风险管理主管称,加拿大元持续增添的价值是现在影响加拿大猪肉生产商盈利能力的最大因素。北美生猪市场在过去几个月保持稳定,在过去一周左右的光阴价格稍微提高。h@ms营销服务的风险管理主管泰勒·富尔顿(Tyler Fulton)说:“加拿大元的价值已经严重影响了加拿大猪肉生产商。”

标签: 加拿大  猪肉  盈利能力  养猪行情  



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