来源: 最后更新:22-06-20 12:06:35
US - Competition for the “grilling dollar” will be tougher this year given the significant increase in supplies of all three main proteins, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.Feedlot operators are scrambling to accelerate marketings given the discounted forward prices and seasonal demand weakness in July and August.The large basis is offering a strong incentive to pull cattle forward. Hog producers also appear to have plenty of supply on the ground.Weekly hog slaughter last week should be above 2.2 million head, quite large for end of April. And yet, large as beef and pork supplies are, their increase dwarfs compares to the amount of chicken currently in the pipeline.
史蒂夫·迈耶(Steve Meyer)和莱恩·施泰纳(Len Steiner)写道,今年市场受美元影响,竞争会更加激烈,三个主要蛋白质供应有显然的增添。养殖场运营商竞相加快市场节奏,赠出打折的远期价格,七月和八月会浮现季节性需求疲软。巨大的基础为拉动牛肉市场向前提供了一个强有力的刺激,现在的生猪生产商宛然也有大量的供应。上周的生猪每周屠宰量应该高于220万头,远高于四月末。然而,牛肉和猪肉供应与当前在准备当中的鸡肉数量相形见绌。
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