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来源: 最后更新:22-06-22 12:04:33


  CANADA - A Marketing Rep with h@ms Marketing Services says the construction of new finishing barns in Manitoba would allow more of the weanlings currently being shipped to the United States to be grown and processed in Manitoba, writes Bruce Cochrane.H@ms Marketing Services acts on behalf of pork producers in western Canada providing slaughter hogs to western Canadian pork processing plants.Andy Cardy, a Marketing Representative with h@ms, says Maple Leaf Foods faces the biggest shortfall.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据h@ms营销服务公司的一名销售代表称,曼尼托巴省(Manitoba)新修筑的猪圈将允许更多刚断奶仔猪运往美国使其成长,或者在曼尼托巴省进行加工。H@ms营销服务公司作为加拿大西部的猪肉生产商代表,它向加拿大西部猪肉加工厂提供屠宰生猪。h@ms的销售代表安迪·卡迪(Andy Cardy)说:“枫叶食品公司(Maple Leaf Foods)濒临极大的供应短缺”

标签: 断奶仔猪  加拿大  屠宰生猪  养猪行情  



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