来源: 最后更新:22-06-23 08:06:21
THAILAND - Recent developments in near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy have the potential to substantially improve feed formulation precision and reduce losses associated with feed ingredient variability.Feed costs account for up to 80 per cent of the total variable costs of animal production, and both under- and over-supply of nutrients translate directly into economic losses through higher feed costs or lower animal performance. The development around the latest realtime NIR analysis of feed ingredients therefore offers the opportunity to substantially reduce the costs of production.Such opportunities for NIR technology are to be discussed in detail by Dr Hadden Graham, AB Vista’s Global Technical Director, at the Pig Feed Quality Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, from 31 March to 1 April.
最新的近红外光谱(NIR)技术有约摸大幅度提高饲料配方精度并减少饲料成分变幻带来的损失。饲料成本占动物生产总变动成本的80%,营养的不足或过量都会直接转化成经济损失,譬如过高的饲料成本、下降的动物生产性能。最新的近红外光谱技术可以分析饲料成分,大幅减少生产成本。AB Vista公司的全球技术总监海顿格雷厄姆(Hadden Graham)博士在泰国曼谷召开的猪饲料会议上详细谈到近红外光谱技术带来的机会。会议光阴是3月31日至4月1日。
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