来源: 最后更新:22-06-25 08:56:18
ANALYSIS - A recordbreaking 1,100 participants from the swine industry are attending the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) annual conference this week in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, including a strong international group - almost 25 per cent of attendees - representing 29 countries, reports Sarah Mikesell live from the event.The preconference events began Saturday morning and the conference extends through Tuesday with more than 200 presenters on tap to speak about industry issues like pharmaceutical use, swine welfare, food security, zoonoses, reproduction and diagnostics, just to name a few.
据现场的莎拉克赛尔(Sarah Mikesell)报道,这周美国路易安纳州(Louisiana)新奥尔兰(New Orleans)有1100名养猪行业的与会者,他们正在参加美国猪肉兽液碍会(AASV)年度会议。会前项目从周六早上开始持续到周二,超过200名发言人能自由谈论行业问题,譬如药物使用、生猪福利、食品安全、人畜共患病、繁殖和诊断,仅举这几例。
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