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来源: 最后更新:22-06-25 09:13:54


  UK - Despite falling input costs livestock farmers still face a challenge to achieve positive margins when selling finished animals, according to the latest figures from Quality Meat Scotland’s Economics Services team.Livestock producers continue to face declines in farmgate prices for their finished animals, observed Stuart Ashworth, QMS head of Economics Services.“The most marked yearonyear shortfall is in the pig sector where prices are trailing last year by 16 per cent but beef prices also trail last year,” said Mr Ashworth, observing hogg prices are also falling short of February 2015 levels.

  根据苏格兰肉质经济服务团队最新的数据,尽管投入成本下降,当销售家畜结束时,养殖者们仍将面对获得可观利润的挑战。据苏格兰肉质经济服务团队尽职人斯图尔特阿什沃斯(Stuart Ashworth)察看,畜牧养殖者在销售家畜时,会向来遇到牲畜出厂价格下降的状况。阿什沃斯说:“最显著的是猪肉行业年同比差额,价格落后去年16%,牛肉价格也相比去年落后,尽管2015年2月生猪价格水平也在短期下降。”

标签: 畜牧利润  生猪价格  养猪行情  



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