来源: 最后更新:22-06-27 05:36:47
VIETNAM - Pigs are of great importance in Vietnam because of their contribution to human nutrition, their role in agricultural production systems and their economic function. Vietnam’s pig herd is the largest in South East Asia and currently ranks number 3 in the World, write Paul Anderson, General Manager South East Asia, and Meggie Vo, Sales Representative Vietnam.The pig sector in 2015 has clearly started to change with the reduction in small home backyard production to the large integrated farming businesses that are able to use modern technology and techniques to further increase economic efficiency. Feed prices continue in a slow downward trend, but besides this development and reduced cost of production the pig sector is still faced with many challenges mainly caused by disease and the necessity to use high volumes of antibiotics in the production of pork.
东南亚总经理保罗安德森(Paul Anderson)和越南加裕销售代表Meggie Vo写道,猪对于越南有追守大的意义,因为猪肉有助于人类营养健康,它们在农业产品系统和经济影响方面扮演的角色是不可忽视的。越南拥有东南亚最大的猪群,在世界排名第三。2015年养猪业已经开始显然改变,从小型农场产品的减少到综合农场业务的扩大,综合农场业务包括能够使用现代技术并进一步提高经济增长效率。尽管饲料价格趋势持续徐徐走低,但是除了这种发展,降低养猪业成本依然濒临许多挑战,主要因为疾病,养猪业需要使用大量的抗生素。
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