来源: 最后更新:22-06-28 10:05:55
UK - Leading lights from the farming sector are set to come together for the National Farmers’ Union Annual Conference next month under the theme ‘Backing the Future of British Farming’.The NFU 2016 conference is taking place at the ICC in Birmingham on February 2324 and includes a key note speech from the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Liz Truss MP, as well as speakers from the world of banking, farming and horticulture. The hugely important EU referendum will be debated on the second day of conference.
英国农业部门有影响力的人物都将出席下个月的全国农场主联合会(NFU)会议,会议主题是支持英国农业的未来。2016年全国农场主联合会(NFU)会议在二月23-24号的伯明翰国际会议中央(ICC)举办。其中包括环境、食品和农村事务部长利兹特鲁兹(Liz Truss)的关键演讲,还有来自全世界银行、农业及园林业的演说家。会议在第二天将议论尤其重要的欧盟公投。
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