来源: 最后更新:22-07-08 12:17:38
US - When it comes to raising pigs, it is important to create a system to produce pigs of uniform size that grow at a similar rate. But, what happens when pigs are showing different feed conversion rates, different signs of disease, and as a result, different rates of growth? Your bottom line starts hurting."When developing a management plan to produce uniform pigs, there are often three things that producers and animal health professionals think of: pig comfort, feed conversion, and disease management," says Dr Eduardo Fano, DVM, MS, Ph.D., a swine technical manager with Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. (BIVI). Producers know that respiratory diseases can play havoc with growth rates and pig uniformity.
当提到养猪的时候,构建一个让猪与猪以相同的生长速率成长,使他们的生长尺寸都统一的系统显得尤其重要。但是,当猪表现出不同的饲料转化率、不同的疾病特征,又或者不同的生长率时,会发生什么样的状况呢?你会开始亏本。勃林格殷格翰兽医药公司(BIVI)的一名养猪技术部经理兼兽医学博士Eduardo Fano说:“为了饲养出统一标准的猪,生产商与动物健康能手在制定管理准备时有三个最常见的考虑因素:猪的舒适性、饲料转化率与疾病管理。”生产商都很清晰呼吸道疾病会严重破坏猪的均衡发展与生长速率。
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