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真正的海绵宝宝长什么样子 真正的海绵宝宝长什么样子视频

来源: 最后更新:24-06-06 12:07:28

导读:美国动画片《海绵宝宝》于1999年开播,故事情节主要围绕着主角海绵宝宝和他的好朋友派大星、邻居章鱼哥、上司蟹老板等人展开,场景设定于太平洋海底,一座被称为比奇堡的城市。The American car


The American cartoon “SpongeBob” started broadcasting in 1999. The plot mainly revolves around the protagonist SpongeBob and his good friend Patrick Star, neighbor Octopus brother, boss crab, etc. the scene is set in the Pacific Ocean, a city called beechburg.



Unexpectedly, the lovely SpongeBob in the cartoon turned out to be a real marine creature.



Sponges are very primitive multicellular animals, which can be traced back to the Early Cambrian period 580 million years ago. Guizhou Shibei Sponge Fossils, 600 million years ago, have been discovered in Guizhou by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the earliest sponge fossils ever discovered by human beings.



It is worth mentioning that sponges are animals, not plants. Sponges are distributed all over the world, from freshwater to marine, from intertidal zone to deep sea. They are various in shape, including massive, tubular, forked, umbrella shaped, cup-shaped, fan-shaped or amorphous. The body size ranges from a few millimeters to two meters long. They are colorful, mainly yellow and red.



Sponge animal is fixed all year round, how does it eat? Sponge animals use a filtering method of predation. The single sponge is very much like a vase. Every small hole in the wall of the bottle is a “mouth”. By constantly vibrating the flagella of the body wall, the sponge makes the sea water containing the bait penetrate into the bottle cavity from these small holes and enter the body.



Interestingly, before the development of composite materials, sponge animals were indeed used as cushioning materials in helmets, cleaning tools in kitchens and scrubbing tools in bathrooms. Therefore, the real SpongeBob has a lot of interaction with our life, but under the constraints of today’s cost and animal protection, the “SpongeBob” made of composite materials is more used.




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