怀孕准备 怀孕 分娩 宝宝0-1岁 宝宝1-3岁 宝宝3-6岁


来源: 最后更新:22-11-10 02:53:10

导读:1、Haux的《Caves》的歌词:Forget all the faces you've missedRemember the hearts that you've riskedIt's when your tongu


Forget all the faces you've missed

Remember the hearts that you've risked

It's when your tongue tied

It's when you can't hide

You follow the words

You follow the words from the caves

Settle the bets from your change

Unbuckle the belt that's your pain

It's at the slack tide

Or when you can't cry

You follow the words

You follow the words from the caves

Take your last supply

To leave this home behind

Take your last supply

To leave this home behind

Tear up the letters you've saved

From all the love left astray

It's from the white lies

When you were knee high

You follow the words from the caves

Take your last supply

To leave this home behind

Take your last supply

To leave this home behind

If I could hold you

If I would dare

If I could save you

From standing there

If you could hold me

If you would dare

If I could stop you

From running scared


Take your last supply

To leave this home behind

Take your last supply

To leave this home behind

2、《Caves》收录于《All Weve Known》专辑中。

标签: haux的caves歌词  



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