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Victory歌词 victory歌词中文翻译

来源: 最后更新:23-11-20 12:20:57

导读:1、《Victory》歌词如下:From far awayIn mountains deepThe night of bloodIn twilight sleepThe armies fightFor king and


From far away

In mountains deep

The night of blood

In twilight sleep

The armies fight

For king and queen

There will be no

No victory

The swords collide

With power and force

As mighty men

Show no remorse

It is the time

The snow is melting

It is the time

Of reckoning

2、《Victory》是Two Steps From Hell (地狱咫尺)的单曲,收录于《Battlecry》专辑,是Two Steps From Hell最受欢迎的歌曲。




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