怀孕准备 怀孕 分娩 宝宝0-1岁 宝宝1-3岁 宝宝3-6岁


来源: 最后更新:24-05-26 02:07:22

导读:英文歌词:Each time wandering alone in the strongHurt every time nor flash   I know I have a pair of invisible wing


Each time wandering alone in the strong

Hurt every time nor flash   

I know I have a pair of invisible wings   

Take me fly over despair   

Do not think that they have the beautiful sun   

I saw the sunset every day will change   

I know I have a pair of invisible wings   

Give me hope   

I see all my dreams Angela Chang blossom   

In pursuit of a youthful song   

I use my heart to not scared   

Will go wherever the wind takes me   

Do not think that they have the beautiful sun   

I saw the sunset every day will change

I know I have a pair of invisible wings   

Give me hope I see all my dreams blossom   

In pursuit of a youthful song   

I use my heart to not scared   

Will go wherever the wind takes me   

Invisible wings let dreams forever   

Imagine yourself a desire to stay

标签: 隐形的翅膀英文歌词  



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