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withoutyou歌词 withoutyou歌曲简介

来源: 最后更新:22-04-30 02:42:40

导读:1、《Without you》的歌词:I cant win, I cant reign 我无力争胜 我无法称霸I will never win this game . Without you, without you 如

1、《Without you》的歌词:

I cant win, I cant reign 我无力争胜 我无法称霸

I will never win this game . Without you, without you 如果没有你,这场游戏我一定赢不下来

I am lost, I am vain, 我迷失颓唐 我蹉跎岁月

I will never be the same . Without you, without you 如果没有你,我永远达不成现在的伟业

I wont run, I wont fly 我无法飞奔 我无法翱翔

I will never make it by . Without you, without you 如果没有你,光凭我自己肯定无力支撑

I cant rest, I cant fight 我无法停歇 我无力抗争

All I need is you and I . Without you, 我现在只想要和你在一起,千万不能失去你

without.... You! 失去...你

Oh oh oh

You! you! you!你!你!你!

Without ... You! you! you!失去…你!你!你!

Without you..失去 你...

Cant erase, so Ill take blame 你在我脑海里无法抹除,我会承担起罪责

But I cant accept that were estrange . Without you, without you 无法忍受,我们如今,已然形同陌路

I cant quit now, this cant be right 我现在不能轻易退缩,这样不对

I cant take one more sleepless night Without you, without you 无法忍受无你在旁的不眠之夜

I wont soar, I wont climb 我无法翱翔天际 我无法攀登高峰

If youre not here Im paralyzed without you, without you 没有了你,我精神低迷,勇气不在

I cant look, Im so blind 我无法看清 我盲目无比

Lost my heart, I lost my mind without you without... You! 没有了你,我信心全无,理智丧尽

Oh oh oh

You! you! you!你!你!你!

Without... You! you! you!失去…你!你!你!

Without you.. 失去 你...

I am lost, I am vain, 我迷失颓唐 我蹉跎岁月

I will never be the same . Without you, without you 如果没有你,我不会像现在一样活得精彩


2、《Without you》是亚瑟小子Usher与顶级DJ David Guetta合作的歌曲,于2011年在David Gutta的专辑《Nothing but the Beat》中发行。

标签: withoutyou歌词  



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